Best "Winter Warrior" Wettbewerb
01.01.2014 - 15.04.2014

Der Wettbewerb ist vorbei - die Einsendungen wurden von der Internationalen Jury unter die Lupe genommen und bewertet!
Wie schon zuvor erfolgte auch diesmal die Bewertung der Modelle durch eine internationale Fachjury. Sie setzt sich wie folgt zusammen:
Thomas Hartwig |
Webmaster / Bremen |
Thomas Stefanus |
Webmaster / Alfeld |
Frank Krause | Mitarbeiter und Modellbauer / Nürnberg |
Roman Volchenkov |
Top Modellbauer aus Norwegen |
Carlos Cuesta |
Top Modellbauer und Autor aus Spanien |
Esko Koskinen |
Langjähriger Juror unserer Wettbewerbe, Top Modellbauer aus Finnland |
Werner Kampfhofer |
Langjähriger Juror unserer Wettbewerbe, Modellbauer aus Österreich, u.a. Sieger unseres Dioramenwettbewerbs |
Jirka Zahradnik |
Langjähriger Juror unserer Wettbewerbe, Top Modellbauer aus Tschechien |
Danny Raadtgever |
Langjähriger Juror unserer Wettbewerbe, Top Modellbauer aus den Niederlanden und Sieger unseres 1.Dioramenwettbewerbs |
Michael Rinaldi |
Top Modellbauer und Modellbau-Autor aus den USA |
Toni Canfora |
Top Modellbauer und Autor aus Schweden |
Rick Saucier |
Top Modellbauer aus Kanada |
Chris Meddings |
Top Modellbauer und Autor aus England |
Bewertet wurde nach dem Eiskunstlauf-System, d.h. es gab eine A-Note (Bau des Modells, Verwendung von Zurüstteilen, Extras, Sauberkeit) und eine B-Note (Bemalung, Alterung, Gesamteindruck) jeweils von 0.0 bis 6.0. Figuren und Beladung flossen mit in die Bewertung ein, sofern sie AUF dem Fahrzeug waren. Mit den 13 Stimmen der Juroren konnten also maximal 156 Punkte erreicht werden
Die Beteiligung an diesem Wettbewerb war prinzipiell gut. Interessant, dass die Kategorie der Radfahrzeuge derartig unterrepräsentiert war. Leider haben bei einigen Einsendungen suboptimale Fotos eine bessere Bewertung verhindert.
Wir bedanken uns bei allen Einsendern und sagen HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH!
Selbsverständlich danken wir ganz besonders den Sponsoren, sowie den Juroren für ihr Engagement und ihre Zeit!
Und hier nun die Platzierungen und Wertungen!
Wertungen der internationalen Jury |
1 |

Tobias Fuß
129,5 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,0 |
5,0 |
8,0 |
If the lower chassis has splashes, then wheels should have some mud too. |
Danny Raadtgever |
5,0 |
5,3 |
10,3 |
Very nice build, minimal extras to a super finish ! Best paintingjob in this contest (but that's just me) |
Thomas Stefanus |
5,0 |
5,5 |
10,5 |
Sehr interessantes Modell mit realistsichen Bemalungseffekten. Geringer Punktabzug für die "nicht ganz fertige" Figur. |
Thomas Hartwig |
5,0 |
5,7 |
10,7 |
Tadelloser, sauberer Bau. Abgeflachte Reifen wirken sehr gut. Sägeblatt leider zu dick - PE wäre hier gut gewesen. Bemalung sehr stimmig. Übergang der Schneereste zum Fahrzeug zu hart. Verschmutzung und Detailbemalung wie Werkzeug ganz hervorragend. Blauer Scheinwerfer sieht interessant aber auch merkwürdig aus. |
Werner Kampfhofer |
3,2 |
5,0 |
8,2 |
Breathtaking paint job! As model is not 100% finished, I did not issue full points. A few etched tool clamps as well as having the drivers vision hatch and the armoured air intake cover reduced to scale and a replacement of the air cooler covers with Evergreen strips would have crowned the BA-64 to a king! |
Roman Volchenkov |
4,0 |
5,5 |
9,5 |
very convincing paintjob, best photography of all works. Blue front light is raising questions - I think it is 100% wrong. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
4,0 |
4,5 |
8,5 |
Die blaue Linse überzeugt mich nicht so sehr |
Frank Krause |
5,1 |
5,8 |
10,9 |
Fahrzeug sauber gebaut. Die anderen Reifen geben dem Fahrzeug ein gewisses Etwas. Die Lackierung hat das Thema Winter voll getroffen. Man fröstelt schon beim Anblick. Details wie das Holz der Werkzeuge, Verschmutzung, Schneereste, Kratzer sind glaubhaft und gut umgesetzt. Auch wenn am fertigen Modell nicht mehr zu sehen, treffen auch die kleinen Wasserpfützen im Inneren das Thema Winter! |
Michael Rinaldi |
5,8 |
5,9 |
11,7 |
Excellent at every level. For top gold medal, simply needs more refinement (as author states), but this piece stands out heads above the rest. Effective camo, excellent whitewash and weathering effects, visually interesting with great figure that fits perfectly and looks authentic. Wonderful piece all around, would like the see author continue to work on this one. Deserves a little extra attention - love the snow effects! (I question the blue headlight?) |
Esko Koskinen |
4,5 |
4,2 |
8,7 |
Great model with lots of work, unfortunately time run out |
Chris Meddings |
5,5 |
6,0 |
11,5 |
excellent construction, faultless, but I would have liked to have seen a little extra detailling. Faultless painting, first rate. Figure could be a little better but the vehicle itself is excellent |
Toni Canfora |
3,0 |
6,0 |
9,0 |
Basic build. Beautiful winter effect, near perfect! |
Rick Saucier |
6,0 |
6,0 |
12,0 |
Outstanding, really nice snow effect, well done! |

Merit M19 Tank Transporter plus passender Holzsockel in Nussbaum dunkel Beize von Diosockel |
2 |

Benjamin Schaeling
88,7 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,5 |
3,2 |
6,7 |
Check size of turret cover. Basecoat is a bit dirt and do not give a nice smooth metalic surface |
Danny Raadtgever |
3,5 |
4,2 |
10,3 |
Seams visible, make use of putty or at least acrylic cement in next build. Painting dull altough weathering in some places very realistic. |
Thomas Stefanus |
3,0 |
3,0 |
6 |
Standardbau und -bemalung, einzig die Rostdarstellung am Auspuff wirkt überzeugend. |
Thomas Hartwig |
3,3 |
3,1 |
6,4 |
Bau ist sauber und ok, die Tarnmatten leider viel zu dick und von der Farbgebung zu einfarbig schmuddelig. Fahrzeug insgesamt zu sauber ohne Höhen und Tiefen. Befestigung des vegetationsmaterials leider nicht überzeugend. Bemalung von Details wie des Auspuffs ganz große Klasse |
Werner Kampfhofer |
2,2 |
2,7 |
4,9 |
Chunks on turret caused by removal from sprue; vision slit on left turret side fixed in 180° wrong position; gaps between upper and lower hull; old and inadequate MG used-muzzle not drilled out; a bit of more subtle washing and shading would have been beneficial; plants should have been painted as well-they will loose their natural colour sooner or later; I like the mud! |
Roman Volchenkov |
3,0 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
Interesting idea with model covered with blankets (?) but they look way too thick. Winter part is not convincing |
Jirka Zahradnik |
3,0 |
1,0 |
4,0 |
Die Tücher??? Sind zu dick, Fingerabdrücke, keine Logik im Aufhängen, Schnee und das Grünzeug passt mir nicht irgendwie zusammen |
Frank Krause |
4,5 |
3,0 |
7,5 |
Fahrzeug sauber gebaut. Die selbstgefertigten Schmutzfänger sind eine Verbesserung gegenüber dem Originalbausatz. Die Decken/Tücher zur Tarnung wirken zu "schwammig" und rauben den Realitätsgrad.
Sauber lackiert ohne Höhen und Tiefen. Auspuff und Schaufel geben einen realistischen Eindruck. Für ein Fahrzeug in der Übergangszeit zwischen Winter und Frühling zu sauber. |
Michael Rinaldi |
4,2 |
3,1 |
7,3 |
Clean build with minor upgrades to old kit. Very basic paintjob with interesting fabric covered camo. Snow and foliage decent, overall the model needs more weathering and integration of fabric camo to look more realistic. Original effort. |
Esko Koskinen |
4,0 |
3,7 |
8,7 |
Nice little model, could use some more work with finishing |
Chris Meddings |
4,5 |
4,5 |
9,0 |
nice construction but the blankets seem a bit thick and its not clear how they are attached. They also lake 'drape' (creases etc) Nice use of foliage. Painting is generally very good, but lacks a punch. Nice use of dirt on the blankets |
Toni Canfora |
3,0 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
Construction/basic painting looks OK. Winter wrapping and foliage looks a bit wrong. |
Rick Saucier |
5,5 |
6,0 |
11,5 |
Very well done, nice foiliage. Machine gun barrel should be drilled out. Nice mud effect. |

Vom Autor signiertes Buch "Als Panzermann in Afrika und Italien" plus 20 Euro Gutschein von Modellbau König
1 |

Jacob Richards
126,3 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,0 |
5,8 |
8,8 |
nothing bad to say for this out of the box kit… perfectly painted. |
Danny Raadtgever |
4,6 |
4,8 |
9,4 |
Love the muddy worn out look. Decent build, inner tracks seem a bit shabby ? |
Thomas Stefanus |
4,5 |
5,5 |
10,0 |
Ein rundum gelungenes Modell mit sehr ansprechender Lackierung. Verschmutzung / Alterung / Verwitterung sind überzeugend gelungen. |
Thomas Hartwig |
4,5 |
5,4 |
10,7 |
Schnörkelloser Bau, Kettenlauf nicht immer gut. Wintertarnung überzeugend. Abrieb fein und realistisch. Rosteffekte gut, wennauch auf dem Turmdach etwas viel.Schlammauftrag im Fahrwerk nett, aber zu gleichmäßig/einfarbig |
Werner Kampfhofer |
4,6 |
5,7 |
10,3 |
I like Object 279 and the way it has been presented here a lot..but:In my opinion this entry missed the point in a way, as according to the competition rules vehicles between 1900-2014 showing winter camo may participate. According to the explanations of the modeler, this tank is part of a diorama, showing a scene after a nuclear (!) war between UdSSR and NATO/USA near Stalingrad. As such a war luckily never took place, the topic is fictious and as such not within the competion rules. But after consultation with the organizers of the contest I have been advised to ignore this fact. Nevertheless I cannot ignore the explanations of the modeler regarding the surroundings of the tank totally. The tank has been abandonded for a while in a restricted area, which is also obvious from the very excellent weathering paint job applied to the turret roof and engine deck. I am only missing a few streaks which would provide a gentle transfer from the horizontal to the vertical areas of Object 279 and would explain where all the water, which had such a weathering impact on the horizontal areas, disappeared. I also doubt that the mud and roadwheels of an abandoned tank would shine in the way they do on this model. If we assume there was some heavy rain, then other parts of the tank must show some wet effects as well. But this is criticism on a very top level! It's a pity that one of the front tracks has been mounted crooked and I had to deduct points...maybe this presentation makes sense in the diorama, as maybe one idler mount has been damaged, but in the competition, without further explanation, it's an obstacle. |
Roman Volchenkov |
4,0 |
5,0 |
9,0 |
Looks good overall, only the chipping and some weathering tones look weird in progress |
Jirka Zahradnik |
3,0 |
4,0 |
7,0 |
Die Ketten wirken auf mich schief zu sein. |
Frank Krause |
4,8 |
5,7 |
10,5 |
Einwandfrei gebaut ohne Höhen und Tiefen. Die Plane am Heck ist ein einfacher, aber wirksvoller Zusatz. Die Lackierung gibt glaubhaft ein verlassenes Fahrzeug im Atomwinter wieder. Die dunklen Flächen auf Turm und Motorheck lassen erkennen, wo die Besatzung herumgelaufen ist. Auch wenn von dem aussergewöhnlichen Fahrwerk wegen der Helligkeitsunterschiede zwischen Oberwanne und Fahrwerk nicht viel zu erkennen ist, ist der Gesamteindruck sehr gut. |
Michael Rinaldi |
4,8 |
5,7 |
10,5 |
Nice and clean build, good job for difficult tracks. Paintjob effective and good overall composition, whitewash has good depth, weathering is also realistic and takes advantage of unique vehicle characteristics. |
Esko Koskinen |
4,5 |
4,9 |
9,4 |
Great model and interesting idea with it, well weathered and realistic |
Chris Meddings |
5,0 |
6,0 |
11,0 |
good build but severely wonky inner right track lets it down. Painting is excellent all round. Good base colours and chipping, good winter camo, good washes and rust, good stains. Very nice model |
Toni Canfora |
3,5 |
5,5 |
9,0 |
Simple but clean build. Very nice weathering and winter effects. |
Rick Saucier |
5,5 |
6,0 |
11,5 |
Very well done, track asembly a little rough, excellent paint and weathering! |

Perfect Scale Leopard C2 MEXAS Umbausatz plus Basisbausatz von MBK Models und Einzelgliedkette von Orochi |
2 |

Mike Kryza
122,3 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,2 |
4,0 |
7,2 |
Nice white paint chipping. Few control on rust streaks. |
Danny Raadtgever |
4,6 |
4,2 |
8,8 |
Good build, nice extras/detailing. Nice paintingjob as well. Rust not everywhere logical (less is more) |
Thomas Stefanus |
4,5 |
4,5 |
9,0 |
Ein ansprechendes Modell in Bau und Lackierung. Rostdarstellung am Wagenheber wirkt unrealistisch. |
Thomas Hartwig |
5,3 |
5,1 |
10,4 |
Schöner, fehlerfreier Bau. Winterketten geben dem Panzer einen besonderen Look. Zusatzgerödel auf dem Panzer wirkt sehr gut. Kettendurchhang leider nicht optimal. Bemalung wirklich gut mit schönem Abrieb der Wintertarnung. Ketten und Ersatzketten super bemalt. Leider Laufwerk insgesamt zu sauber verglichen mit dem abgetragenen Winteranstrich. Ein wenig zuviel Rostspuren an manchen Stellen |
Werner Kampfhofer |
4,7 |
5,5 |
10,2 |
Well done Panzer III which is convincing because of his harmonic apperance and nice paint details. A pity that the brush became autonomous and the the jack has been painted so crudely with rusty colours. The deflectors for the antenna at the Rommelkiste are made of wood, so I would not assume rust around them. I hope the tank will receive a commander, so that the missing opticals in the commanders copula will be concealed. |
Roman Volchenkov |
4,0 |
4,5 |
8,5 |
looks nice from the first sight, convincing whitewash, but when going into detail the weathering is not realistic and accurate. Too much rusty tones and no grime, etc |
Jirka Zahradnik |
4,0 |
4,9 |
8,9 |
Schöne unauffällige farbige Details! |
Frank Krause |
5,4 |
5,7 |
11,1 |
Sauberer Bau. Zusatzbeladung erscheint wohl überlegt und lässt das Modell "geschäftig" aussehen. Gesamteindruck des lackierten Modells ist sehr gut. Farbtupfer wie der blaue Eimer und rote Fliegersichttuch durchbrechen die wintergraue Erscheinung. Das verwaschene Winterweiß überzeugt mich. Die Ersatzkettenglieder an der Wannenfront sind mir etwas zu hell. Der Wagenheber sieht im Vergleich zu dem sehr guten Feuerlöscher gleich daneben etwas zu rostig aus. |
Michael Rinaldi |
5,0 |
4,4 |
9,4 |
Good build and update of older kit. Paintjob solid, but let down by heavy rust areas. More refinement is necessary to look convincing. Solid weathering and stowage painting. Again more experience to elevate model to next level. Nice final photos! |
Esko Koskinen |
4,5 |
4,8 |
9,3 |
Great model, well weathered and packed with accessories |
Chris Meddings |
5,0 |
5,5 |
10,5 |
solid building but stowage seems to be holding itself on with no visible means of support. Painting generally very good. Nice use of the graphite |
Toni Canfora |
3,0 |
4,0 |
7,0 |
Basic build. Nice winter cammo and extra stowage. |
Rick Saucier |
6,0 |
6,0 |
12,0 |
Outstanding, nothing to pick at, well done! |

Trumpeter Haubitze 2S19 plus Modern Russian Color Set von Ammo of Mig |
3 |

Ronny Ehnert
119,1 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
4,5 |
4,8 |
9,3 |
I would recommend improve weathering on spare tracks and add more chippings to the white camo on more exposed areas |
Danny Raadtgever |
4,9 |
4,4 |
9,3 |
Overall clean build, good use of selected aftermarket. Figures a bit lifeless. Like the muddy cold feel of the model. |
Thomas Stefanus |
4,5 |
4,5 |
9,0 |
Aufwendig nachdetailliertes Modell. Bei der Bemalung von Geschützaufbau und Heck fehlt mir etwas mehr Alterung / Verschmutzung. |
Thomas Hartwig |
5,3 |
4,7 |
10,0 |
Sehr schöne und umfangreiche Nacharbeiten mit Innenraum und Verwendung von PE und Metallteilen, Nutzung von PE für die Planenösen am Aufbau wäre noch besser gewesen. Bemalung gefällt, es fehlt aber etwas an Tiefe, sowie Varianz in den Farbtönen der Verschmutzung, sowie etwas mehr Abrieb des Winteranstrichs an diversen Stellen. Figuren beleben das Modell ungemein |
Werner Kampfhofer |
5,3 |
4,8 |
10,1 |
A lot of PE parts have been used to upgrade this kit but the essential area has been omitted: the eyelets for the canvas! I would have preferred some highlighting of raised details and a bit more of pinwashing, as now everything looks a bit dull, which is also true for the figures. |
Roman Volchenkov |
5,0 |
4,0 |
9,0 |
Good construction, detail improved over the base kit and the figures look good on that model. I like the whitewash, however I would like to see more tones on the mud and dirt on that model. Also taillights look really flat. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
4,5 |
4,5 |
9,0 |
Ausgewogenes Modell |
Frank Krause |
5,6 |
5,3 |
10,9 |
Aufwändiger Bau mit vielen Details. Eigentlich schade, dass vom Motor dann wieder gar nichts sehen ist. Dafür beleben die Figuren das Modell weiter. Lackierung ist gelungen bis auf den Aufbau. Dieser wirkt im Vergleich zum Rest etwas unfertig. |
Michael Rinaldi |
4,8 |
3,9 |
8,7 |
Nice PE updates, clean build. Rear screen is nice. Good intermediate level painting & weathering, everything is where it should. Focus on refinement and improved face painting for the figures. Figures work well with subject and overall appearance. |
Esko Koskinen |
3,3 |
3,0 |
6,3 |
Nice build, figures bring realism |
Chris Meddings |
4,5 |
4,5 |
9,0 |
solid construction, including a little tricky PE work, solid painting. Figures don't quite sit right and painting and construction failed to really stand out. |
Toni Canfora |
4,0 |
3,0 |
7,0 |
Good overall impression. Nice details. Paintjob a bit dull. |
Rick Saucier |
6,0 |
5,5 |
11,5 |
Very well done! Minor issues with detail painting on figures but I'm being very picky. |

Diorama Set "Italian Farm" von RT-Diorama |
4 |

Martin Blümlein
117,4 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
4,5 |
2,6 |
7,2 |
Engine is too clean. Paint and weathering is uncontroled, unprecisse. Chipping should affect more corners and exposed areas not everything exactly the same. |
Danny Raadtgever |
4,7 |
4,6 |
9,3 |
Good build, just the right amount of detailing added.Painting (or pics) a bit on the bright side. |
Thomas Stefanus |
4,5 |
4,0 |
8,5 |
Modell mit Aufwand detailliert, Kettendurchhang sehr gut gelungen, Bemalung wirkt teilweise etwas zu flach und gleichmäßig. |
Thomas Hartwig |
5,0 |
4,0 |
9,0 |
Guter Bau mit sauberer und sinniger Verwendung von PE. Schöne Grundbemalung. Wintertarnung wirkt für mich ein wenig schwammig, zu gleichmäßig und ohne Tiefe. Im Innenraum müsste mehr Abrieb sein. Nette Farbtupfer, wie der Eimer. |
Werner Kampfhofer |
5,4 |
4,4 |
9,8 |
A lot of PE parts have been used to upgrade this kit too and they all disappear under an indefinite mixture of white paint and faint hearted washing. Built suffers from some scruffy areas. A bit of more courage in the finishing of the paint job would have made it a winner. |
Roman Volchenkov |
5,5 |
4,0 |
9,5 |
Nice build, I like the added detail. The colour modulation and camouflage look good, whitewash as well. However, I don't like absence of white wash underneash the lowered fighting compartment walls and also the presence of whitewash on the inner surface of these walls is questionable. The gun itself doesnt look "metal". |
Jirka Zahradnik |
3,2 |
4,6 |
8,9 |
Der Schnee gefällt mir. |
Frank Krause |
5,9 |
5,9 |
11,8 |
Aufwändiger und sauberer Bau. Details des Motor- und Innenraumes gut in Szene gesetzt. Verkabelung der Kopfhörer wurde nicht vergessen. Der Eimer vorn ist ein nettes Extra. Lebhafte Bemalung mit Farbtupfern wie die geöffneten Motorraumklappen, verschiedenefarbige Munitionsbehälter und der blaue Eimer. Mit Rost wurde sparsam umgegangen. Der Auspuff gefällt durch seine natürlichen Farbvariationen. |
Michael Rinaldi |
4,2 |
3,5 |
7,7 |
Well detailed build with good PE upgrades, track sag an issue. The paintjob is rather basic and the weathering too consistent over all areas. Needs more contrast and focus on one or two areas of interest to improve presentation. |
Esko Koskinen |
3,9 |
3,5 |
7,4 |
Many extra details added and great paintwork with winter paint. Could use some dirt and mud, but if it's cold enough then no need |
Chris Meddings |
5,5 |
5,0 |
10,5 |
excellent building, very tidy and PE used very well to best effect. Painting generally very good. Chipping is nicely done and in scale, but I would have liked to have seen it more concentrated in areas of hear wear, particularly in the fighting compartment. Generally very good |
Toni Canfora |
4,5 |
3,0 |
7,0 |
Very good detail and basic cammo. Snow cammo destroys a bit because of monotone and a bit messy. |
Rick Saucier |
6,0 |
5,5 |
11,5 |
Very nicely done! Some small detail lost maybe due to the paint being a little too thick, but otherwise good job. |

Tamiya Gama Goat plus passender Paulowina Holzsockel |
5 |

James Johnson
113,9 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,5 |
4,8 |
9,3 |
wheels too clean in comparison with hull. Wet mud in the hull can be more blended. Horizontal surfaces seems a bit unwork in these pictures (not enough good). |
Danny Raadtgever |
4,4 |
4,2 |
8,6 |
Track hovers on all sides (it was heavy !). Paintjob good, but looks a bit like it has been in a fishtank for weeks (greenish moss-like?) |
Thomas Stefanus |
4,5 |
5,0 |
9,5 |
Sauberer Bau, ansprechende Bemalung, rundum ein schönes Modell |
Thomas Hartwig |
4,4 |
5,2 |
9,6 |
Schöner, sauberer Bau. Aber Kette offenbar zu lang. Bemalung gut, Alterung vielleicht etwas zu heftig - so wirkt es ein wenig wie ein Fahrzeug das längere Zeit ungeschützt der Witterung ausgesetzt war. Schnee- und Eiseffekte exzellent! Schlamm an den Wannenseiten sehr gut gemacht. Abgasspuren auf Motordeck wären noch gut gewesen. |
Werner Kampfhofer |
4,5 |
5,9 |
10,4 |
Amazing beast! Thrilled me at first sight! Great weathering and micro paint job! But my dear modeler, why haven't you removed the position markers for the hooks and the additional handle on the turret? They are for the German version. This oversight is costing points...right track does not snuggle around the idler as it should. |
Roman Volchenkov |
3,0 |
3,0 |
6,0 |
Tracks do not sit on the model? Surface of the model looks grainy, seems like too think layer of white paint. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
2,9 |
4,5 |
7,4 |
Nicht abgeschliffene "rechtecke" auf dem Turm, komisch abstehende rechte Kette |
Frank Krause |
4,6 |
5,2 |
9,8 |
Einwandfreier Bau, aber ohne Individualität. Tolle Lackierung. Verwaschungen, verkrusteter Schmutz und Schneereste sind gut gelungen. Das Scheinwerferglas vergleichsweise etwas zu sauber. |
Michael Rinaldi |
4,5 |
5,0 |
9,5 |
Good build, let down slightly by the track fitment. Good paint and effective and interesting whitewash. The streaks add character. Solid effort with nice winter effects overall. |
Esko Koskinen |
3,9 |
3,9 |
7,8 |
Nicely built ugly war machine |
Chris Meddings |
4,5 |
5,5 |
10,0 |
good solid construction, paining very good indeed, especially build-up of dirt, used of techniques to highlight areas of interest and detail and general patina of the finish. Streaks on the turret are a little over-wraught though and stand out from the hull |
Toni Canfora |
3,5 |
3,5 |
7,0 |
Nice and controlled winter cammo, nice weathering. A bit basic in detail. |
Rick Saucier |
4,0 |
6,0 |
10,0 |
Nice snow effect, minor mould seams, track fitment a little loose, overall white wash effect very nice. |

1x 1-Jahres Abo des Weathering Magazins |
6 |

Tobias Bayer
113,3 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,5 |
4,0 |
7,5 |
rear part too clean in comparison with frontal part. |
Danny Raadtgever |
4,5 |
4,4 |
8,9 |
Can't go wrong with Tamiya's kit. Minimal detailing just where needed. Winther wash and muddy lower hull look good ! Lacking a bit of overall dusting. |
Thomas Stefanus |
4,0 |
4,0 |
8,0 |
Ordentlicher Bau, schöne Bemalung. Etwas mehr Kontrast in der Bemalung hätte das Modell erheblich aufgewertet. |
Thomas Hartwig |
4,8 |
5,0 |
9,8 |
Sauberer Bau und das Weglassen der vorderen Kettenabdeckungen gibt dem ganzen einen besonderen Look. Wintertarnung prinzipielll gut, aber warum nicht am Heck? Kette ist mir persönlich eine Spur zu stark und zu einfarbig verdreckt. Abgasspuren am Auspuff nicht matt genug und müssten am Zusatztank weitergehen. |
Werner Kampfhofer |
3,6 |
4,9 |
8,5 |
I noticed some fitting and filling/sanding issues with the fuel barrels as well as the lifting hooks on the turret. These fellows are welded and should show weld beams-here there is only a gap and they seem to stand off the armor. In general I like the paint job and the mud on the tracks is also OK, BUT: I do not understand why the engine deck and the rear armor are completely missing any blotch of white paint. It looks like the white wash has been brushed off by the crew. The description of the model does not provide any hint. Maybe there is a picture which shows such a vehicle, which explains why the modeler has chosen this way of presenting the tank. While the white weathering and the scratches on this area are pretty delicate, the effects on the green areas are rather crude.I would have liked to see more pictures of the 2nd figure. There is no chance to see his face. |
Roman Volchenkov |
4,5 |
3,5 |
8,0 |
Good construction, painting is OK, but smaller detals are not that good - periscopes, tail lights, front light.Track painting is not convincing. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
4,0 |
4,1 |
8,1 |
Ich würde ein bisschen mehr Fotos begrüßen. |
Frank Krause |
4,2 |
4,4 |
8,6 |
Leider nur sehr wenige Fotos abseits der Vorgaben. Ordentlich gebaut mit minimalen Gratresten an den Tankbehältern. Fehlende Kettenbleche sowie der Baustamm statt der Tankbehälter geben dem Fahrzeug einen individuellen Eindruck. Wintertarnung und Verschmutzung des Fahrwerks finde ich klasse. Statt dem Werbefoto für AK Farben hätte ich mir mehr Modellaufnahmen gewünscht. |
Michael Rinaldi |
5,0 |
4,6 |
9,6 |
Very nice and clean construction and execution of this kit. Good tracks! Painting and whitewash application looks effective, the chipping is random and requires more thought and refinement. Excellent pigments and mud effects. Figure painting skills need more practice. |
Esko Koskinen |
4,0 |
4,3 |
8,3 |
Nice build, well weathered realistic model |
Chris Meddings |
5,0 |
5,5 |
10,5 |
very good construction, but missed higher marks due to visible joints on the fuel tanks. Painting overall is excellent. Nice use of light and shade on the base coat, good 'worn' look on the whitewash and excellent 'dirt and grunge'! But the engine deck looks unfinished and the excellent exhaust stains seem like they should continue onto the fuel tanks? |
Toni Canfora |
3,0 |
3,5 |
6,5 |
Clean build. Very nice cammo and mud. Looks a bit unfinished in areas. |
Rick Saucier |
5,5 |
5,5 |
11,0 |
Nice weathering, good clean build. Seams around fuel tanks could use more work, overall very good. |

SS-Colors Farbprofil Heft von Ammo of Mig plus 10 Euro Gutschein von Modellbau-König |
7 |

Tobias Wehnert
108,6 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,5 |
4,0 |
7,5 |
Difficult attempt with the zimmerit but it is not too good and bended in some places; also the tool used is evident in some parts. The best weathering is on wheels and some horizontal surfaces.Figures are not necessary. |
Danny Raadtgever |
4,5 |
4,6 |
9,1 |
Too bad tracks are hovering over the wheels (they were 3 tons per side !) Whitewash not logically removed from turret (left on upper ridges of zimm) |
Thomas Stefanus |
4,0 |
4,0 |
8,0 |
Kette liegt teilweise nicht auf den Laufrollen auf. Bemalung des Panzers gut gelungen, Bemalung der Figuren steht nicht im Verhältnis zum Modell. |
Thomas Hartwig |
4,4 |
4,2 |
8,6 |
Seitenbleche wirken viel zu dick, Figuren ziehen den guten Gesamteindruck runter, irgendwas stört mich am Zimmeritmuster. Schöne Verschmutzung und gut gemachte, abgeriebene Wintertarnung (allerdings auch ein paar unlogische Stellen).Kette wirkt in farbgebung zu sauber und eintönig und hängt nicht richtig durch. |
Werner Kampfhofer |
4,9 |
3,4 |
8,3 |
It is no doubt, that a big investment was made in add-on parts and weathering aids. Unfortunately, the crude Zimmerit is ruining the fine built. The figures are painted very basic. The paint job of the Tiger has been complex, according to the information supplied by the modeler, but the result does not electrify me. I am also not sure, by looking at the results of the other entries which have been painted with Revell Aqua if this is the right paint as a base for all washing and weathering effects which are applied nowadays. For me, Revell Aqua seems to "swallow" a lot of these effects, in comparision to Tamiya, Gunze, AK Interactive or Vallejo colours. |
Roman Volchenkov |
4,5 |
3,5 |
8,0 |
A lot of aftermarket was used but the images do not do justice to model, dark and not sharp, taken from few angles. Painting is interesting, some nice effects here and there, however, not everything is that good as it could have been. Why the remains of the whitewash are only on top of the zimmetit and not inside the grooves? This is v beyond logic. The sides of the model look good, but the roof and rear deck require more attention. I recommend revising these areas. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
4,0 |
3,9 |
7,9 |
Linke Kette sitzt nicht richtig? Zimmerit an manchen Stellen zu grob |
Frank Krause |
5,4 |
5,6 |
11,0 |
Aufwändige Verbesserungsarbeiten. Das Zimmerit weiß zu gefallen. Kleine Zusatzdetails wie die Teile auf dem Heck hauchen dem Modell Leben ein. Die verwaschene Wintertarnung überzeugt mich. Leider waren einige Bilder der Gesamtansichten etwas dunkel, um einen eindeutigen Eindruck zu bekommen. |
Michael Rinaldi |
4,5 |
3,7 |
8,2 |
Nice updates to older Tiger kit. Let down somewhat by track sag, pay mor attention to the tracks and the sag. Nice zimm. application. Good painting and overall worn winter whitewash. The figures are very basic, and the model is better without them. Face painting skills need more practice and realism. |
Esko Koskinen |
3,0 |
4,0 |
7,0 |
Well painted Tiger; tracks could settle down better? |
Chris Meddings |
4,5 |
4,0 |
8,5 |
Solid constructon, nice work on the welds. Solid paint but with a few issues, notably the whitewash preserved on the raised zimmerit ridges but not not in the recesses and the turret top which lacks definition in the weathering |
Toni Canfora |
3,0 |
3,5 |
6,5 |
Nice overall impression. Good white paint chips. Figures a bit negative. |
Rick Saucier |
4,0 |
6,0 |
10,0 |
Nice white wash. Loating track on left side with noticeable attachment points. Some casting flash on figures |

Soviet Camouflage Set von Ammo of Mig |
8 |

Jan-Eric Böhme
100,7 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,7 |
5,0 |
8,7 |
So nice model deserve improve the pictures. Paint of lights and weathering of wheels can be improved. |
Danny Raadtgever |
4,0 |
4,1 |
8,1 |
Stock kit, decent build. Basic camo nicely done, whitewash pretty hardedged. |
Thomas Stefanus |
3,0 |
3,0 |
6,0 |
Ketten an MWA und Abschleppschäkeln zu grob, Antennen unsauber verklebt, Fleckentarnstrich entspricht nicht dem Original. |
Thomas Hartwig |
3,3 |
2,5 |
5,8 |
Bau soweit sauber und ok, Antirutschflächen schön gemacht, Sicherungskettchen vorn viel zu grob. Verschmutzung leider völlig unrealistisch in der Verteilung und Haufenbildung. Laufwerk und Kette viel zu sauber und dann nur sporadische Brocken in den Laufrollen und auf der Kette. Ansonsten Grundbemalung gut gemacht. |
Werner Kampfhofer |
3,0 |
3,1 |
6,1 |
The "better" Leo of this contest! There are some issues with application of decals and at least one ejector pin discovered at the optical hatch. The one or the other streak wouldn't have been a fault. Overall impression of the mixture of dirt and snow is good. Some mud splatters throughout the whole sideskirts would make it look more realistic. I know, drybrushing is judged as a kind of outdated by some of the "leading" "painting schools", but a subtle use of this technique would not only highlight nuts & bolts, but also details on the anti slip skids. What are those nuggests on the antennas? |
Roman Volchenkov |
3,5 |
4,0 |
7,5 |
Good camouflage and base colour, however not very well done weathering. Scratches on turret look overdone, not realistic tail lights, accumulations of snow are not logic. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
4,0 |
4,3 |
8,3 |
Schutzlack von Abziehbildern sichtbar, ich vermisse Verschmutzung vom Auspfuff |
Frank Krause |
4,9 |
4,8 |
9,7 |
Sauber gebaut. Die Antirutschflächen gefallen. Die Kettchen der Nebelwurfbecher geben zusätzliche Details. Die Ketten der Frontschäkel erscheinen etwas zu grob. Die Lackierung ist sauber aufgebracht. Abnutzung und Verschmutzung wurde gezielt angebracht. Die Motorraumabdeckung weiß da besonderns zu gefallen. Die starken Kratzer an der rechten Turmseite und die darunterliegende saubere Wannenseite irritieren. |
Michael Rinaldi |
5,0 |
4,0 |
9,0 |
Very clean and tidy build, good non-slip coating applied. Good quality base camo application, nice airbrush work. Whitewash a bit basic in comparison and scratches look out of place on new paintjob. More weathering and added snow would integrate the final results better. |
Esko Koskinen |
3,0 |
3,0 |
6,0 |
Nice Leopard, but given the amount of splattered mud the roadwheels and tracks are too clean? |
Chris Meddings |
4,5 |
5,0 |
10,5 |
very good construction, like the anti-slip on the hull but surprised not to see it also done on the turret. Painting very good and nicely restrained in keeping with the subject. Snow is excellent. Scratching on the turret looks like brush strokes though and does not fully convince |
Toni Canfora |
3,0 |
4,0 |
7,0 |
Very nice cammo and snow effect. Could be a bit more dirty and muddy. |
Rick Saucier |
3,5 |
5,5 |
8,0 |
Nice mud splatter, some mould seams. Grenade launcher chains out of scale, antennae mounts sloppy. |

SdAh.33 von Plus Models |
9 |

Benjamin Schaeling
96,0 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,3 |
2,3 |
5,6 |
too much rust/orange wash in details. Some welds even shouldn't rust at all. Poor exhaust pipe. Too uniform mud on the rear part. Nice snow. |
Danny Raadtgever |
3,9 |
3,5 |
7,4 |
Clean build, minimal detailing. Painting too simple, too much rust (on illogical areas) |
Thomas Stefanus |
3,0 |
2,5 |
5,5 |
Ketten scheinen zu lang, merkwürdiger Durchhang am Leitrad. Die Rostdarstellung, besonders am Auspuff, wirkt unrealistsich "aufgemalt". |
Thomas Hartwig |
3,8 |
3,5 |
7,5 |
Kettenlauf und -durchhang wirken unrealistisch (Kette zu lang!?). Etwas zuviel Rostlaufspuren auf lackierten Flächen. Schneeansammlung in der Kette unlogisch. Werkzeug- und ersatzkettengliederbemalung exzellent. |
Werner Kampfhofer |
4,8 |
4,1 |
8,9 |
Difficult candidate! Looks fine at first sight, although the almost orange pinwashes are irritating, as well as the orange exhaust pipes and the erroneous orange paintstroke on the right side of the muffler cover. Looking at the model for several times I noted some ommissions in detail painting regarding the gunners sight, commanders optic and leather head guard on commanders hatch. The dirt on the lower hull side looks like concrete and is a bit too much for me, as well as the blotches of mud on fenders. Addition of a darker and eventually semigloss colour, as well as for the splashes would have made the dirt more realistic. Spare tracks looks very realistic, they look almost like the 2 original track links I got from Narva. |
Roman Volchenkov |
3,5 |
3,0 |
6,5 |
Whitewash and snowreplication look convincing, but weathering is not that good. Colour of the wash is rather weird (orange?), detail painting (exhausts, f.e.) is not accurate. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
3,0 |
3,9 |
6,9 |
Leider zu wenige Fotos vom Bau, der Schnee gefällt mir an einigen Stellen sehr gut |
Frank Krause |
5,0 |
5,2 |
10,2 |
Die breiten Winterketten gegen dem StuG das gewisse Etwas. Der Eigenbaufeuerlöscher beeindruckt. Die noch relativ frische Wintertarnung mit den glaubhaften Abnutzungsspuren ist ein Hingucker. Viele Details zu entdecken wie der Vorschlaghammer, der Schnee in den Ketten, der gefrorene Schmutz und die Kettenglieder am Kasemattenheck. Kleine Wermutstropfen - der Auspuff wirkt zu eintönig orange und ohne Abgasreste. Die orangenen Rostspuren könnten etwas gedämpfter sein. |
Michael Rinaldi |
3,5 |
3,0 |
6,5 |
Very basic construction, some noticeable joint gaps and track sag a little too loose. Painting and winter coat average, but the rust stains are simply too much and the wrong color. Far too prominent and too bright of a color. Snow is well done. |
Esko Koskinen |
3,7 |
3,5 |
7,2 |
Great build, little less use of rust streak in the future, StuGs get that much rust only in museums, not in battlefront |
Chris Meddings |
4,5 |
4,5 |
9 |
solid construction, but not enough pictures to fully assess. Painting generally good, nice whitewash effect and use of mud, excellent track weathering but the heavy use of bright rust tone distracts a little. Generally very good |
Toni Canfora |
3,0 |
2,5 |
5,5 |
Some nice detailing. Colours look a bit wrong and winter wash not realistic. |
Rick Saucier |
4,0 |
5,5 |
9,5 |
Good snow effect. Tracks are a little too loose and the rust effects too bright. Exhaust pipes should have been drilled out. Nice mud effects! |
10 |

Fabian Dietrich
92,5 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,5 |
2,0 |
5,5 |
difficult kit from maquette. It would need more washes and weathering. Dry mud can be improve. |
Danny Raadtgever |
4,5 |
4,5 |
8,8 |
Clean build of an impossible kit. Whitewash nicely done. Could use a figure for scale ref, this is a very small kit ! |
Thomas Stefanus |
3,0 |
3,0 |
6,0 |
Aus einer mageren Basis wurde ein ansehnliches Modell, bei der Bemalung fehlen mir Höhen und Tiefen. Könnte man schon mittels Washing erreichen. |
Thomas Hartwig |
3,9 |
3,9 |
7,8 |
Bau ok, Basisbemalung sehr schön. Winterlack gut abgeblättert aber zu eintönig gräulich überaltert. Es fehlt etwas an Tiefe. Ein wenig trockenmalen hätte vielleicht noch geholfen. |
Werner Kampfhofer |
2,8 |
2,8 |
5,6 |
No doubt, this kit is a little stinker and the sideletter of the modeler explains his experience and emotions...and for me, these bad vibrations are reflecting in this muddy greyish paintjob, without any visible attempts to save this finish by pinwashing and highlighting raised details at least. The focus of the camera makes it difficult to judge whether the kit is such is now built fine or not, as everything looks crooked. I am also not sure, by looking at the results of the other entries which have been painted with Revell Aqua if this is the right paint as a base for all washing and weathering effects which are applied nowadays. For me, Revell Aqua seems to "swallow" a lot of these effects, in comparision to Tamiya, Gunze, AK Interactive or Vallejo colours. |
Roman Volchenkov |
3,0 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
the scratched parts look nice, but otherwise poor detail, gap on the top of the gun! Colours for Soviet 3-tone comouflage are odd. Weathering is rather poor. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
2,8 |
3,0 |
5,8 |
Kanone nicht ordentlich verspachtelt, einige Teile wirken zu grob. |
Frank Krause |
5,3 |
4,6 |
9,9 |
Trotz der, durch den alten Basisbausatz bedingten, Schwierigkeiten ein gutes Bauresultat. Das um das Rohr gewickelte Tuch ist ein nettes Detail. Der Gesamteindruck der Lackierung ist akzeptabel. Verwaschungen der Wintertarnung finde ich gelungen. Die Verschmutzung der Unterwanne wirkt ein wenig einfarbig. |
Michael Rinaldi |
3,5 |
3,0 |
6,5 |
Simple construction of old kit. Bent main gun barrel. Camo is rough and whitewash needs a lot more contrast to look more appealing. Good chipping, needs more overall experience and practice with heavy weathering. |
Esko Koskinen |
3,5 |
3,9 |
7,4 |
Extra points for courage to start this "kit"! Nice build and when considering the starting point, well done! |
Chris Meddings |
5,0 |
4,5 |
9,5 |
nice construction and good use of scratchbuilding but the scratch details seem unfinished and lacking finer detail. Painting very good but would have like to have seen more wear to tell he story of the use of the vehicle, such as wear and dirt where the gun crew would work |
Toni Canfora |
3,0 |
3,5 |
6,5 |
Interesting subject, but a bit basic. Some nice cammo effects. |
Rick Saucier |
4,0 |
4,0 |
8,0 |
Nice white wash, mud effects a little too overwhelming on tracks. Track attachement joints visible. |

BMW R12 w/side car military von IBG
11 |

Olli Latzel
83,7 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,0 |
2,3 |
5,3 |
I recommend add dirt and effects on horizontal surfeces. Streaks should be more subtle and paralel. Washes require a bit more work. |
Danny Raadtgever |
3,8 |
3,8 |
7,6 |
Nice presentation of a terrible kit. Painting pretty basic and hard edged. |
Thomas Stefanus |
3,0 |
3,0 |
6,0 |
Standardbemalung ohne Höhen und Tiefen, "Streakings" wirken zu kräftig, "Pickel" unter dem Lack am Turmheck. |
Thomas Hartwig |
3,0 |
3,6 |
6,6 |
Solider Bau. Wintertarnung zu gleichmäßig und ohne Finesse, dafür die Streaking Effekte zu intensiv. Ketten und Laufwerk zu eintönig und dunkel. Furchtbar krumme Antenne, die ins Auge sticht. Schlammspritzer recht gut gelungen. Kettenglieder am Turm nicht auf den vorgesehenen Haken |
Werner Kampfhofer |
2,0 |
2,5 |
5,5 |
I like old kits but throwing them as OOB built into a contest is dangerous, especially the Panther who is lacking a lot of details compared to other kits which are better detailed and thus are more suitable for being built OOB and to match with other kits with add on details.The angle of the bow and lower hull armor must be reconstructed with this kit-it is missing here. I don't understand why the spare tracks on the turret are simply glued on the surface, without involving the hooks on the turret which are made for this purpose: to carry spare tracks! The paint job of the Panther looks good from a distance, I also like the paint job of the running gear in detail, and some of the splashes of mud. The streaks are too thick in my opinion. I mean a few of them would be OK, but not on the whole tank. The rear side of the turret suffers from some inclusions and is this a hair between the spare tracks on the right rear of the turret? I am also not sure, by looking at the results of the other entries which have been painted with Revell Aqua if this is the right paint as a base for all washing and weathering effects which are applied nowadays. For me, Revell Aqua seems to "swallow" a lot of these effects, in comparision to Tamiya, Gunze, AK Interactive or Vallejo colours. |
Roman Volchenkov |
3,0 |
3,0 |
6,0 |
hard to say about construction, but the painting is lacking the finesse. The 3-tone camouflage made with brush is not very accurate, theweathering of the white wash is very rough. Streaking is overdone. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
2,0 |
3,0 |
5,0 |
Keine Rohbaufotos, manche Teile fehlen? Komische Antenne; Man sieht durch das Modell |
Frank Krause |
4,7 |
5,1 |
9,8 |
Sauberer Bau ohne besonderen Aufwand. Die krumme Antenne stört den Gesamteindruck. Der Blick durch die Motorgitter auf die Ketten hätte vermieden werden können. Interessante Vorgehensweise bei der Bemalung, aber das Endergebnis ist in Ordnung. Leider ist vom Laufwerk selbst nicht viel zu erkennen. |
Michael Rinaldi |
3,0 |
3,7 |
6,7 |
Clean and very basic build of old kit. Hard-edge base coat is too rough and requires more attention. However, the whitewash is more effective and final weathering is authentic. Overall very basic in many levels, more experience and practice with refinement will help. |
Esko Koskinen |
2,5 |
2,7 |
5,2 |
Light comes through the rear deck ventilation screens, but lots of work with the winter painting and weathering |
Chris Meddings |
4,0 |
4,0 |
8,0 |
construction sound but unremarkable. No visible issues. Paint is a little basic. Streaks in particular seem have and too dark.Try thinning the mix before application. Good mud spatter. Sound model but could be improved |
Toni Canfora |
2,5 |
3,0 |
5,5 |
Nice white wash and mud effects. Basic detailing and painting a bit sloppy. |
Rick Saucier |
4,0 |
3,5 |
7,5 |
Nice weathering on tracks but noticeable attachment points. Open sponsons are noticeable, streaking on turret not realistic, nice mud splatter. |

Kübelwagen Stowage Set von Verlinden |
12 |

Heiko B.
71,3 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
3,0 |
1,5 |
4,5 |
no weathering at all gives it a toy aspect. |
Danny Raadtgever |
3,6 |
3,6 |
7,2 |
Kit could benefit from extra detailing, photo's too small (do not make compilation pics ever again) Painting done with a broom ? |
Thomas Stefanus |
3,0 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
Standardbau, Standardbemalung, Wintertarnung wirkt für mich unrealistisch. |
Thomas Hartwig |
3,0 |
2,1 |
5,1 |
sauberer Bau, saubere Bemalung. Letztere leider ohne Finesse oder Highlights und Tiefe. Obwohl im Original weiß grob aufgebracht, wirkt es hier einfach zu grob und großflächig. Detailbemalung fehlt stellenweise (Deckel Nebelbecher). Alterung fehlt völlig |
Werner Kampfhofer |
2,2 |
2,2 |
4,4 |
Kit leaves the impression that it has been built and painted in a hurry. The paint job is rather basic, without any attempt to play around with depth effects. The white camo is simple too much and scaling it up to 1:1 it must have been applied with a corn broom. The minimalistic description of the project does not indicate, if this was the intention of the modeller or not.
No deflashing of parts like tools, antenna mounts. |
Roman Volchenkov |
3,0 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
Very simple paintwork, the white layer of the paint is too thick. Periscopes are not realistic at all. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
3,0 |
3,0 |
6,0 |
Keine Verschmutzung/Abnutzung, die weiße Farbe nur grob darüber gepinselt, ein bisschen mehr Leben bringen wäre gut |
Frank Krause |
2,5 |
3,4 |
5,9 |
Interessante Darstellung der Bauschritte. Leider sind aber dadurch Details nicht deutlich erkennbar und machen die Beurteilung schwierig. Die Fotos des fertigen Modells sind durchweg zu dunkel, so dass die Wintertarnung zu krass in den Vordergrund tritt. Diese erscheint etwas grob. |
Michael Rinaldi |
4,0 |
2,7 |
6,7 |
Construction is handled with too much tape and clamps, not necessary unless kit was severely warped. Paintjob is very basic and simple, looks too toylike. NATO camo colors very dark and the white wash applied with too large of a brush and does not look convincing. Practice, practice and more practice… |
Esko Koskinen |
2,0 |
2,0 |
4,0 |
Basic model, little practice with weathering will bring improvement in the future |
Chris Meddings |
4,0 |
3,0 |
7,0 |
good basic construction of the kit OOB. Painting is a little heavy handed. Appreciate the rough effect of the whitewash stripes but the brush strokes are not in scale so it betrays the fact it’s a model. Lacks weathering |
Toni Canfora |
2,0 |
2,0 |
4,0 |
Basic and clean build. Painting lacks weathering and looks a bit messy. |
Rick Saucier |
3,5 |
3,0 |
6,5 |
Visible mould lines and attachement points. White wash out of scale and detail painting a little sloppy. |
13 |

Sepp Oswald
68,3 Punkte |
Richter |
A-Note |
B-Note |
Gesamt |
Kommentar |
Carlos Cuesta |
2,3 |
1,0 |
3,3 |
Holes in sheel box compartment are not equaly distance. Chipping in correct places. Dunkelgelb should appear under white coat and not over white coat. |
Danny Raadtgever |
3,5 |
3,5 |
7 |
Build okay, painting doesn't do it justice. Figurepainting is difficult I know, but te figs pull down the overall look of the model. |
Thomas Stefanus |
3,0 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
Modell in Standardbau und -bemalung, Figur auf Zugmaschine ebenfalls Standardbemalung. |
Thomas Hartwig |
2,7 |
2,8 |
5,5 |
Schiefe, unregelmäßige Bohrungen für die Granaten stechen leider negativ ins Auge. Ansonsten sauberer Bau. Bemalung etwas grob ohne Feinheiten und Tiefe. Winterfarbabrieb nicht immer logisch und ohne Details. |
Werner Kampfhofer |
1,8 |
1,8 |
3,6 |
Although this is a newer kit, it shows that many of the smaller items should have been replaced by wire, PE parts or at least should have been sanded down to scale. There are also some issues with the decals (silvering, obviously broken unit decal on the rear) and a fitting problem with the canvas. The missing washing and hightlighting effects on the soldiers gear and the figure on the vehicle (e.g. no eyes) leaves the impression to see a 1/72 model and not a 1/35 one. |
Roman Volchenkov |
3,0 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
Feb 1944 is very unlikely to have Panzergrau as base colour. Painting is not realistic at all, no weathering. |
Jirka Zahradnik |
3,0 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
Keine richtige Tiefe, nur überpinselt, was sollen die gelben Flecken darstellen? |
Frank Krause |
3,7 |
1,9 |
5,6 |
Nicht so viele Fotos wie gewünscht. Bauschritte sind etwas dunkel geraten. Gute Idee mit der selbstgefertigten Munitionshalterung. Leider sind die Löcher nicht ganz ausgerichtet und laufen teilweise ineinander. Die handgefertige Plane und Seitenfenster werten das Modell auf. Lackierung ist insgesamt zu eintönig ohne Höhen und Tiefen. Alterungs- und Abnutzungseffekte sind nicht zu erkennen. |
Michael Rinaldi |
3,3 |
2,7 |
9,4 |
Very very basic build of ancient Tamiya kits. Paintjob is also very basic with no real effort to create interest in the paintwork. Whitewash application ineffective and requires a lot more practice and experience. Same for the figures, very very basic. |
Esko Koskinen |
2,5 |
2,3 |
4,8 |
Basic build, could use some more dirt, mud, wear and tear |
Chris Meddings |
4,0 |
4,3 |
8,3 |
nice ambition to the construction, but sadly execution lets it down, especially the ammo rack holes being irregular. Painting lacks finesse or finishing |
Toni Canfora |
2,0 |
2,0 |
4,0 |
Construction OK. Painting not so realistic. |
Rick Saucier |
3,5 |
3,0 |
6,5 |
Good whitwash, minor mould seams. Could use more highlights and washes for a more realistic effct. |

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